I have been thinking a lot about wanting to move...
Not just move to a new home, but some where far... like Ireland or Australia. I know it sounds drastic, but I feel like I would enjoy it there. None the less, I know I couldn't actually live in these far away places. My son's father would have my neck if I took Mikey across the globe with me.
I do, however, want to travel. Before I get married and settle down. I want to visit Ireland, Scotland, London, and Australia. I am going to put these on my bucket list. And I will visit each of these places. Who knows, one of them could even be my honeymoon vacation after I get married (one can only hope) one day.
I hope I get to do all the things I've wanted to do. I wanted to learn how to play guitar when I was a kid, but my parents aren't musically inclined and couldn't afford lessons... or a guitar. I wanted to learn how to snowboard, but my parents didn't do that stuff... and again couldn't afford to pay for me to snowboard. Among countless other things I have wanted to try. Well, being that I will be 26 on January 30th, I have been learning how to play guitar and today I went snowboarding for the first time ever. I am sore in places I didn't even know could get sore, but I am proud of myself. I have surpassed my parents knowledge of things, and it didn't cost me anything but gas money to get there. The guitar however was $80.00 with a case, I digress... I know that I will never hold my son, or future children back from things. I do realize 26 isn't that old, but these are things are should have learned young. I know I can't blame everything on my parents, but a little help from them at that time in my life would have probably pushed me to work harder when I was a kid. Perhaps if I had these activities to keep myself busy as a kid or teenager, I wouldn't have dropped out of school. Who knows, can't turn back time. I am beyond happy with how my personality turned out, so my parents must have done something right? If I can be selfish about anything, I hope my son gets my personality.