Monday, May 7, 2012

Am I falling apart?

Dear A.B.,
This really hurt my feelings:

you are:
[X] adorable
[X] cute
[X] beautiful
[X] gorgeous
[] ewwww, unfollow me
[] ok
would i date you?
[X] yes
[] no, sorry
[] maybe
best feature : 
[] style
[X] smile
[] hair
[X] eyes
[X] personality
[] body
[] 1-3
[] 4-6
[X] 7-9
[] +10

I know there is the idea that I could be making this out to be more than it actually is, but that really hurt. I am suppose to be the person you love unconditionally and you rate me a 7-9? Are you having a momentary brain malfunction? Do you even know what most women think when their significant other rates them lower than a 10 for an overall? 
What where you thinking? I was already going to the gym 4 days a week because I am trying to change how I look. NOW I want to get liposuction and work out 7 days a week and eat celery for the rest of my life. I thought it was just the jack asses in society that could make a person feel like they were worthless, but today you proved me wrong. Anyone can make you feel that way.