Honest is

Even if honesty brings us sadness, pain, guilt, frustration, or anger... it is always just that, honest. I find that the writing above couldn't have been said any better. And it was something I feel I needed to read. I have been stuck in such a rut lately, but reading this definitely helped clear things up with myself.
I've accumulated great friends in the past few months that are quite honest. I always wondered why I went through friends so fast and thought it was them who had not been worth the time I put into them. But now I realize that I get bored with people fast, I get bored with the lies or how they never try to work on themselves like I have been for the past few years. I shouldn't have let that bother me...and I don't know why I feel the never ending need to fix everyone around me. I need to be honest with myself and accept people as they are, and only help when asked. Instead of being my nosey-self and getting "all-up-in-their-business" trying to help them be better people. I'm proud of myself for finally having friends that I know have some issues they need to work through, but only helping them when they ask for it. It is a big step, and I am looking forward to growing and learning more about myself... and becoming more self-accepting.
I used to think this kind of honesty was 'looking foolishly' or 'being naive' or even a gateway to pain and disappointment. I know better now.
ReplyDeleteThe text is pretty beautiful. I'm glad you've been making great friendships lately. I've been making some nice ones, too.
I'm glad that you no longer think of such things as being naive or foolish anymore. Sometimes I wonder why everyone things that love makes you a weak person.... I see the general reason, but still.