A lot of things are changing around me. Most people I know don't like change. I for one love change. I am so open to new things. I enjoy when things change around me, not that I don't think back to the days when I was once a wee little girl playing with her My Little Ponies. I just like to embrace the new things that happen. I noticed this about me about a year ago. I was talking to an old district manager of mine, back when I was working at BK, she said that she loved my spirit and that I embrace new things. That I don't hold back, and always want to know how I can improve my skills, and enjoy any work environment I'm in. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
We have a new manager at my work, come to find out I've worked with him before back when I was in my old district. He's a cool guy, and I am excited about the good/new changes he'll make with the store. We have lots of employees leaving, and soon to have one of our own to be the new assistant manager. The world around me will cease to exist, and will be replaced by a newer, some what familiar, but still different place. So much can happen in just a few months. It's really quite remarkable to me how feelings, environments, and new experiences can make everything seem so brand new. Sometimes I wonder if there might be something wrong with me to love new things so much. I never had a favorite blanket or favorite stuffed animal as a child, come to think of it I didn't care for stuffed objects much. Even when I had/have a favorite pairs of jeans, shoes, or shirt I was okay to throw them away once they became "unwearable." I guess I don't have to worry about being a "pack rat."
I have decided to dye my hair. Right now the bleach is setting in, well see how it looks. I bought another color to go over it, if I decide it doesn't look good. I like to dye my hair a lot. I've actually been very patient because I died my hair black in October 2010. So this had actually been the longest I've gone without "messing" with my hair. I don't know what attachment I have with my hair, but I love my hair, and love doing new things to it. It just keeps growing back, why not?
My son has started seeing his father again on the weekends, after a two month hiatus. I hope his father doesn't disapear on him again. It's not fair to Junior to be put through such emotions at such a young age. I am glad though that he's back home! I miss him tons when he's gone. When he's not home, I get bored. Wich is funny really because when he's around sometimes I just think, "please god I just want to get some things done!" I imagine myself one day, being in the middle of my career, married, and living "the dream." Perhaps white picket fence and all? I see Mikey happy. Going to school, hanging with friends, being content with the life I've made for us. Knowing that one day he'll know how hard his mom worked to make sure he had a better life. Striving to one day make his own family and work hard to make a good life for them. I think about the future way to much.
Well my hair is now pink. I hope I can cover it up okay for work. I'd hate to get in trouble for it. We'll see if I can play my cards right and just cover it with a bandanna. I knew they would be put to some good use one day. I think that should suffice for the night.
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