Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You sassy young thing

Touching base to let everyone know I am still alive, for the most part. My new job is lame, but it is more money than I had before so I'll take what I can get. Lowe's is going well and I think I am really proving myself to be an asset there, which is phenomenal! It is my favorite month of all time so that means soon enough good things will be happening! Let's go through the list shall we?
  • Pumpkin picking
  • Hayride
  • Haunted houses
  • Corn mazes
  • Costume shopping
  • CANDY!

I really love fall! I have also decided to start embracing Winter. This year I will be snowboarding and I have a few friends that will be going with me! I'm really starting to love my life again. That's a pretty big deal.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry, was away these last few days.

      Anyway, currently I live in Portugal

    2. Oh wow, it must be beautiful there.

    3. Well, I did just return from a four day vacation from the beachside places, so that should give you a hint :P

  2. I love Halloween! Also, great list, I agree. Good luck with the new job!
