Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Muse of your massacre

"Muse of your massacre"

Does it make you feel good,
to pick me up?
to act like you care?
to ignore me?
and tell me, does it empower you,
to rub her in my face?
to smile so innocently?
to tear me apart?
Surely it feels incredible,
to feel wanted
to enslave me
to ensure my despair
For me it feels like hell,
to be thrown away
to be insignificant
to be a ghost,
to be your muse for punishment.
                -J. Lajoie


  1. All your poems are great,but I really like this one,and can relate to it a lot.

    You have a way with words,and a special gift.

    I used to write poetry too,but got writers block
    and lost my inspiration.

    I find that sadly a lot of my inspiration
    comes from a bad experience or sadness,
    but they say the most talented artists
    out there are tortured souls.

    I hope that is not true though,I'd luv for
    you to be happy,and hope you have had a good

    Take care.:)

    1. You are so nice, thank you very much. I am not a tortured soul... but I do write my "best" work when I am in a depressed state of mind. I usually write sad poems, but from time to time I write happy ones.
