Sunday, December 9, 2012

My rants are contagious

I have been nothing but nice and helpful to my son's father... and he still has to be an asshole. He went two years... two fucking years without paying me child support and always coming up with excuses to not see his son. Now, that he has a girlfriend that he wants to impress he wants to see his son. He pays me $50.00 a week.... That barely covers half of all the money I need to support my son. But I am nice and understand that everyone has to live some how, so I take whatever he can give. I was always dropping him off and picking him at up his fathers... I have lived in the same place all of my son's life. His father is the one that decided to move from 30 minutes away to 50 minutes away... That is not MY fault. So since I was sick of wasting all my money on bringing my son to his father's, I suggest evening it out. Meeting half way... even though the spot we chose is closer to him, I am just too fucking nice. Now for the past two months he has been asking me every Friday to bring him to his house because he has to work late. I usually cave and just do it... but then he has the nerve ask me to meet him the at half way spot for me to pick him up.
Excuse me? Mother fucker, I do not have expendable funds to just drive all over God's green earth for your lazy ass. He fights with me now on Sundays.. I am sick of this. There is no reason why we can't get along... it is seriously just him. He thinks I fucking owe him something... no, no sir I do not owe you shit. How about taking responsibility for your wrong doings and instead of starting shit, try to fix it.

/end rant.


  1. Sorry to hear that hun,I have a relative who struggles to get child support and help from her ex as well aka father of her son.

    Now when she drives him out to where the father lives which is far,she asks him to drive back.

    He barely pays child support,and gas money is not cheap,and she needs to work extra hours to make up for his lack of financial support.

    Hope everything works out,and you can get your ex to meet you half way on visits,etc,would make your life so much easier.

    Take care.x

    1. Thank you. I know some people don't get child support at all so I feel bad complaining... but I needed to rant lol. I hope everything gets better for your friend and her son's father start to get his shit together soon. Also, I wanted to mention that I haven't been able to read your blog.. I think it is set to private? Wasn't sure what was up. Anyways, I hope all is well.

  2. I thought if you followed me you can read it regardless ?

    I want to follow you back but I don't know how to follow anyone on Blogger.:( Part of being a newbie.

    My account is not private now,and my sister was the one I was refering too.

    Sometimes she gets child support,most times not.Sad,
    cause this asshole has kids with another woman now,and
    they both make good money.

    He's just a jerk.

  3. I oh dear, I hope things will work out for you some day.
