Friday, August 31, 2012

Building blocks

Mikey's dentist appointment is today. I'm glad he takes after me and loves going to the doctors or dentist. So far he has been cavity free every time, hopefully this time he will be as well.

After the dentist I am bringing him to his babysitter's house because they asked if they could bring him to the fair with them. They know I don't have money and live pay check to pay check, so to be nice they offer to do fun things that cost money with him. It's really nice of them. I just wish I could bring him to the fair. I haven't been to the fair in years because I am usually broke or have to work. I hope he has fun though, he really is an amazing kid. I got so lucky, so blessed with him. Hopefully I'll be able to take him apple and pumpkin picking this year. I get even less hours at work than I used to.... so I don't know how this is going to go. Since my muffler fell off of my car and I don't have the $600.00 to fix it.

I am really sick of being broke all the time. My friends are great, and they offer to buy food and things... and I just feel like nothing I do will ever be enough. I just want my son to have a good life. Thankfully there are Good Wills around so I can actually buy him new shoes. Even though they are used, he is at the age where he goes through shoes so fast I just couldn't afford to buy him new shoes every month for $35.00 a pair. As much as I know going to school will be worth it in the long run, it is taking a toll on my finances. I feel like I am never going to move out of my parents house, never going to own a decent car, and never going to be free of this financial debt that keeps building. Blarg.

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