Thursday, April 26, 2012

This blog has literally become my bitch session... my apologies to the waiter

Dear K.D.
Your girlfriend is just like your ex, she tells me she has to do homework and then continues to talk to my boyfriend. She is just snugging up nicely to him because he is your best friend and wants to make a good impression. I may not be your best friend, but I don't lie to you and have your best interests in mind. I want to tell you, but I feel like you wouldn't believe me.
A friend that is only considered a friend because I'm dating your friend, but really I am a better friend than you think.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

All women all bitches. They do anything to be closer to the top. 

Can we just talk about...

How much the new blogger set up for the dashboard sucks and I loath it entirely.
Anyways, my school sucks. I am PAYING for high school level courses to fulfill a prerequisite for the new school I will be attending, but come to find out because the classes I am taking don't have LABS, the are not accepted. So I just paid 1,260$ for nothing. Gee whiz, thank you community college system of NH. You are pieces of shit.

Friday, April 13, 2012

You're really good at that.

Please stop being such a little bitch and get over it. She isn't worth it, and shes ugly.She treats you like a fucking dog. There is so much better out there for you. Can't you see I fucking care. God, I must be really bad at showing how much I care for people. The only way I know how to show any caring is by buying shit for people. I try to do nice things but it always involves money. Why can't I figure out how to do nicer things for people without spending.... fuck.
         I just...I don't know how to say all the regrets I have about the past. There are so many, and I realize I need to stop. I need to get over the past... but why can't I hold on just a little bit longer. I miss so many things, and missed out on many things as well. Get a grip...
         I feel like some days I am losing my mind. Sometimes I wake up and cry. I don't want to go on with working so hard just to live a measly existence in this pathetic world that is all about being beautiful and rich. But then I remember Mikey, he is the only reason I get up and go to work, do homework, and go to class. Otherwise, I would be a complete utter mess. Sometimes my mind races so fast its hard for me to keep up with myself. Why am I so sad? I don't think I'll ever be satisfied. I am so sorry for everyone that is in my life and has to deal with me, I know I am an asshole.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Not everything is about sex. We don't have to have sex every single day. We are still in a good relationship if we don't have sex at least three times a week. So please, stop making me feel like shit because I'm not in the mood.