Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Perhaps surprisingly

Dear World,
I want to dye my hair fun colors without being told I need to dye it a "normal color" or I don't have a job. I want to jog on my street without feeling judged, or someone whistling out the window to me. I want to feel the freedom of being able to have fun with friends without having to worry about the sleep I need to get to function the next day. I want to drive, I want to drive mercilessly to the beach, to the country, to the city... I want to drive anywhere because there is freedom in that. Know you can go anywhere you want with nothing holding you back.  I want to feel my stomach feel like it is jumping up and slowly falling down as I ride roller coasters until I can't breath. I want to feel secure about my future. I want the guarantee that I will get a job after college, and I will enjoy it. I want to cover my arms and legs with tattoos and know that I made the right choice, that I won't be looked down upon, that people will tell me what a beautiful body of art I have.
I want to be me.

Someone who can only be expected to adhere to so much before they break.

1 comment:

  1. You can be you dear. :) I know it is cliche, but it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. You are the one who holds the power to your feelings, nobody else. Once you can let go of the negative instead of letting it get to you, you will be able to live a happier life. You are gorgeous as you are, inside and out. Have confidence in knowing yourself. Have confidence because you ARE a strong, beautiful, independent woman who will not stand for anything less than the best for her and her son. Take pride in who you are miss. You are the only judge of yourself.
