Friday, January 28, 2011


I'd like to thank the Academy...

  When did the people in this world become so fake? Why must it take so long for us to be our "true" selves when we meet new people. I find myself even realizing that I am not my complete personality when I am not very familiar with someone. I come off a bit timid and shy. Sometimes, I think things for a response and don't say them. When typically I am the first one to say what is on my mind, rude or not. With some people though, I'm scared to say exactly what is on my mind. Fear? Complications? There are those few people out there that can't really take a joke, or realize I am not trying to be rude.

I am less serious than most. When people talk seriously about heavy subjects, I like to think that I can uphold a conversation but can't help to throw in a joke or two to lighten the mood. Maybe I can't get too serious? I don't like feeling strong emotions. The ones that completely take over. People who have those kinds of emotions fascinate me though. Having those feelings of passion or take such pride in things intrigues me.

I also find myself seeking out the "abnormal" or "weird" individuals. I feel like they are more true to themselves than most "normal" people are. That might sound a bit biased though. So please take no offense. Especially my friends, I don't want you thinking I am calling you "abnormal." LOL! Just seems to me that the more normal you are the more fake you are.... I feel like I can't get exactly what I am trying to say out. Maybe this post was a bad idea. Oh well...that's all you get kids.


  1. Hmmm, I do agree with some of this but I also feel you are being judgmental towards people who may act less weird than yourself. I don't think it is fair to say that acting normal makes you fake. There are definitely people out there who put on a front to try and appear like someone they are not, but I do not feel it is only by those who act "normal". What about the people who are just naturally composed, quiet, "normal"... but they try too hard to be more outgoing and crazy. This would make the outgoing, fun ones just as fake... so it can be looked at both ways.

    Though my personality is twisted, dirty, and abstract and I like to be weird at times I also have a side to me where I am quiet and just observe my surroundings. Or I act more serious than goofy. I act normal. This doesn't make me fake and I don't think anyone else who is naturally more quiet and laid back deserve to be labeled. Because being "normal" may be exactly who they are. They shouldn't have to try to stand out if they don't want to.

  2. Thank you for the comment Sarah, and have thought a lot about what you said. I do agree with you. I would also like to say that I felt like I couldn't say exactly what I felt or thought in my head, so it came out a bit labeled/immature. Thank you for your insight. I will defiantly be thinking things through thoroughly before I start to type it out. And perhaps now exactly how to convert my mind thoughts to words. :)
