Thursday, January 27, 2011


So I have my license re-instated. I can now drive....legally. :)
Ex decided he won't be taking Junior this weekend. "It's a bad weekend." Wish I could just relinquish my responsibilities as easy as some people. 

                      My Birthday is this weekend. I thought maybe I'd go out and have some fun. My mom said she'd watch my son for me. I don't like that idea. I feel like a bad person every time I ask someone to baby sit. Like they will think that I would rather "party" than take care of my son. I know this isn't really what they are thinking, but I still worry. He is my responsibility. I really wish his father felt the same way. What if this week was a bad week for me and I couldn't have Mikey. Then what? Would he opt to take him then? Nope, then it would be that I am a bad mother and don't care about my son. Funny how these things work. I would never give up an opportunity to spend time with my son if I only saw him once a week. It would only be under dire circumstances for me to say I couldn't take him. Again, that is just me I suppose

 Why do people rush into relationship? After my ex and I broke up I waited a good solid two months to heal before I even started to talk to guys with flirtatious intentions. The ex on the other hand, waited a good solid week. People upset me by their lack of individualism. They can't stand alone, and feel like they need a significant other to complete them. Really, you need someone else to complete you as a whole? So once you are in a relationship, that is when you are really a great person and are happy. Nothing can defeat you, or bring you down? I thought that's why we had friends and family. I thought maybe...just maybe, having a companion was about finding someone that compliments you as a person, not completes you.  I understand the whole this person completes me because <insert sappy love line here>, to an extent. Sure it's cute. If you believe that particular individual is your soul mate more power to you. I just think that people should figure themselves out and be able to be happy without having to be in a relationship before they try to "complete" someone else. Or else to bad halves don't make a whole. They make a really bad circle. (Example: Tell a kid under the age of 7 to draw a circle.) That's probably how your little "rely on others to make you happy" relationship will look.

I am the type of person to get really excited about a new person in my life. I want to learn as much about them as possible, as fast as possible. I know that is the wrong way to go about it. I have to slow myself down, explain to myself that it takes years to really know someone. I'll admit I get caught up in the little butterflies in my stomach driven mess. I catch myself though. I jumped into too many things in the past, and have learned the way to go about things. I think that people should wait if at the least a year to get married. With all things considered, you should live with them first to see if you can stand their living habits. Can you stand to see this person everyday for the rest of your life after six months of it? If it's a yes, then it is okay to discuss marriage. Not push it. Some people may feel it take a great deal of time to decide if someone is worth marrying. Perhaps they are right. There are a lot of divorces these days. I just want to make sure the person I marry is the right one, don't we all? I should let everyone digest that before I write more. Too-ta-loo.

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