Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sometimes I be cool

So there is this girl that I have had a crush on since the first day I saw her at school. I finally gained the courage to ask her on a date. She said yes. Yet I still feel worried. I feel like she is too good for me, way above my level. I know I shouldn't downgrade myself but I can't help it. I also am afraid that she isn't over her ex... that last thing I want is to feel used to make her ex jealous. I guess we'll see how things go. It is somewhat curious how one can date a person for a year or years, then end a relationship... then move on to someone else. I feel as though I have learned a lot from my past partners about myself. There is still much more to learn. Gah, all these feels.


  1. I feel like I am in the same boat with my dating life.

    I was really starting to like someone,but he had just got out of a relationship he was in for over a decade.

    And I hate to say it,but sadly he is losing his appeal,as I notice he comes with some emotional baggage.

    But you live and you learn.

    I might have been his rebound girl,but I hope the next man I meet is single with a less complicated life.

    I don't like feeling insecure in a relationship,and second guessing how someone feels about me.

    Thanks for this blog entry,nice to know I am not so alone in the dating scene.

    Hope it works out for you and ur girlfriend.

    1. Thank YOU very much for taking the time to read my blog. I do feel as though everyone comes with emotional baggage, it is just a matter of how that baggage is handled. Also, quantity over quality.

    2. I agree,and your welcome.

      I like people who are candid about their
      life on their blogs,it's refreshing.

      Take care.::)

  2. Go for it. Just do it. You'll experience something different and hopefully new too. As you've already mentioned, everyone comes with an emotional baggage anyway.
    Cool picture by the way.

    1. Thank you. The date is tonight so it is now or never. I am still fighting myself with canceling the date... but if I did, I know that I would have to live my life wondering what could have happened. Plus, it is only awkward if you make it awkward, right? lol
