Sunday, July 22, 2012


Dear ex-lovers,
    Karma can really be a bitch. It may seem like I am falling apart now, but soon my dreams will come true because no matter what you throw at me or how you hurt me I will keep fucking standing. You all had your big dreams, and I was by your side to help you, to be there for you. I would have done anything for all of you.

Love is a funny thing, isn't it? One minute you are in love, and are ready to take on the world together. The next, you are flat on your face wondering just what the fuck happened. You all never gave me the chance that I deserved. You all, over the course of one night, or with some of you many nights of fucking other women, decided that everything our love stood for was useless garbage. I'm sorry I am not perfect, but I think what I do give in a relationship might be worth someone's while. Forgive me for wanting to show affection, or missing you when you are not around. Perhaps I should have ignored you all, and bestow the same unkindness you gave to me. It's easy to forget someone when you are self centered. What you all did to me was selfish and unforgivable. Which could explain why I have still held on to all the pain and sadness. I carry it around with me like a chip on my shoulder. A pretty big fucking chip, I might say.

 Every heartache hurts more, like the wound in my heart that was healing ripped back open. Scarred tissue, left mangled and poorly cared for. Some might quit on love and all the pain it brings. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to abuse myself like this. Then I remember what love, real love feels like. Love is kind and nonjudgmental. Love does not care if you are fat, thin, gay, straight, queer, or trans*. Love knows no boundaries when it is true. Love is the most honest form of friendship. An understanding and trust that you need no promises to be made to know that they will stay. Perhaps I am living in a fairy tale. This foolish idea of love could be the reason that all my relationships haven't worked out. But I continue to hold out hope because if I don't...who will? Will real love fail to exist once it is forgotten? I can't give up. Waking up and knowing that there is someone out there for me keeps me going. Not to complete me, but for us to compliment each other. Rambling on too far now...My mind has run away with me.

Just remember, think... Think before you get too far into a relationship. Decide if this is someone you can stand being with all the time. Whether or not you would want to be calling them and saying goodnight every night when you are apart until you are together again. That you would fight for them and never give up. Because the biggest mistake that anyone can make is giving up on love.

If I didn't stop writing I would have went on forever.

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