Friday, February 11, 2011

Fire in my eyes

I feel so distraught.  There's something in the pit of my stomach. Makes my heart skip a beat. It's almost like my stomach hurts, but it's kind of in my lungs too... You know when people say their heart hurts, when it comes to emotions? It's kind of like that. I can't stand feeling like this. On the verge on tears, but I refuse to cry. Why do I feel like this... I hate it. Why do I always have to be the one that is clear and steps up to the plate? Why can't other people just come to me first? I always bring things up and have to dig for answers. I am pretty straight forward, unless I don't want you to know. I avoid subjects for a reason, but this subject is obnoxious. I don't know what is up or down. People are so confusing. I just want a straight answer. Tell me... Don't tip toe around it. Don't assume I know what your saying. Just tell me...


  1. Wow hon this is like very deep. I can def understand for the most part were you is coming from. I guess life is just unfair in alot of ways. I think we need to hit alot of fairs or something to find you a peace of mind in some way. I wish a nice guy would come around and put u up on a petal stool so you can be happy. luvs zu

  2. This post was a mixture of how I felt about men/women, work, friends, and my parents. At the time I was confused and annoyed by all of the above. One day I will have more of an understanding... but for now everything is a bit blurry.
