Saturday, February 26, 2011

Music Composition

I bought a new guitar, it's nothing fancy. I know this because I only spent $55.00 on it. Something to have to practice on so I can at least learn. A friend was slowly teaching me, but I don't see him often enough to keep up with remembering everything.. I need to be able to do it at home as well. Plus I am more into self teaching than someone else teaching me. When the time comes, I will get a decent guitar..that I don't have to re-tune every 10 minutes... I have noticed though that it is quite hard to play with long nails. Of course I choose now to stop biting my nails. Didn't realize how fast these little buggers grow!

Recently I find myself dreading going to work. I feel like I always want to get out sooner and sooner. Working past 12 PM is a killer. I use to always work until 2 PM or 3 PM so I don't know why I hate working past noon now. I feel like I something wrong everyday. I was once the pride and joy, I always got praised because let's face it.. when you work at Dunkin' Donuts for 7 years you know your shit. Now, I can never do anything right... I am constantly forgetting things for the past month. It's not like I have a ton on my mind. Or issues at home. I am not running around all over the place. I don't have any love interests keeping me from things. I basically work, come home, go to bed..... So I don't know what is wrong with me. I think I need to get a new job. Nothing is available though, from what I can tell. If I am going to leave DD I want it to be out of the food industry. I am sick of coming home and smelling like shit, or feeling greasy. It's the worst. I wonder what is going on in my head...maybe I am just learning too much too fast? Or I am just so excited for school to start so I can go part time? Who knows....

The acoustic version is amazing. I basically am infatuated with this song. Plus I have a thing for Jason Mraz's vocals.

Right now I am sitting on my bed typing this, wishing I had somewhere to go. I really just want to go out, but there's nothing to do. I could go and deposit my check but that is just a waste of gas when I can just do it tomorrow after work. Unless I have lots of things to do, that I can get done in a straight line I don't like to waste the gas... My problem is I am absolutely in love with driving. So I have to keep myself from wasting gas and driving around aimlessly. Mikey is at his father's house, so no one is here to entertain me. Lame.

I really enjoy listening and watching people playing acoustic guitar and singing. I have no thoughts while they play, which is a rare. I just feel like all is calm in the world while I sit there and enjoy the show. I wish I knew more people who played  so I could have them just hang out and play for me. I should just pay for my own personal guitar player to play for me. Then when I have stressful days I can calm down and relax, with no care in the world. I can pay 5 whole dollars a day. Any takers? :)

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